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Docker Quick Start (5 minutes to a running web site)

This article demonstrates how to get a web site running using Docker. We’re starting with a Linux server (doesn’t matter which distribution). We’re going to pull down an Docker image from the public repository, modify it’s “index” file, and expose it – making it publicly accessible. I’ve added a little FAQ at the end of this artile.

To make it interesting, we’re going to run a php “index” file: “index.php”.

Let’s start by installing Docker:



Now we can pull down an image from the public repository. This image is basically a template for us to manipulate for our own needs. It will run just fine without any modifications, but the site will be the stock-standard “apache” page. But because we want our own “index.php” to execute, we’re going to modify it.

docker pull php:8.0-apache

Let’s see our images. So far there should be just one:

docker images

The output:

REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE       8.0-apache          475b1a998b6f        5 days ago          455 MB

Create a directory and create a file in it called “Dockerfile”:

mkdir ~/docker
cd ~/docker
vi Dockerfile

Put the following into the “Dockerfile”:

FROM php:8.0-apache
COPY ./index.php /var/www/html/

Now create your “index.php” file in the same location as the “Dockerfile”. You can see from the above Dockerfile contents that we’re referring to it. Here’s my example “index.php” file:

echo "This is a php script!";

Now we’re ready to build our new Docker image. Once built, we can run it. Tip: If we didn’t “poll” the image in the earlier step, Docker would automatically pull it down as a result of the following “build” command.

# I'm calling my image "my-web-server" but you can call it whatever you like...
docker build . -t my-web-server

Let’s see our list of images now:

docker images

The output:

REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
my-web-server         latest            6798fce89abd        32 seconds ago      455 MB       8.0-apache          475b1a998b6f        5 days ago          455 MB

Now run it. This turns our image into a container. A container can be stopped and restarted. All containers come from an image. The ‘-d’ puts it into the background. The ‘-p’ allow us to specify a port to expose it on – the port that we’ll visit.

docker run -d -p 5000:80 my-web-server

Confirm it’s running:

docker container ls

The output:

docker container ls
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                  NAMES
7600e6e385cd        my-web-server       "docker-php-entryp..."   4 seconds ago       Up 3 seconds>80/tcp   mystifying_wing

Test it. Visit that exposed port “5000”. Of course, we could expose it on any other port including “80”.

curl http://localhost:5000

Let’s stop our container:

# Where "7600e6e385cd" is the name of our container - from the "docker container ls" command above...
docker stop 7600e6e385cd

We can start it again:

docker start 7600e6e385cd 

We can remove/delete the container:

docker stop 7600e6e385cd 
docker container rm 7600e6e385cd 

We can remove/delete the original image and the image we created from the original image. Start by listing the images

docker images

The output:

REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
my-web-server       latest              92e2324e62da        4 minutes ago       455 MB       8.0-apache          475b1a998b6f        5 days ago          455 MB

Now we delete them:

docker images rm 92e2324e62da 475b1a998b6f

And we’re done.

Q. Can I log into a Docker container while it’s running?
A. Yes, you use use the command “docker exec -it 7600e6e385cd /bin/bash” (where “7600e6e385cd” is the container ID) and you will be given the prompt for that container.

Q. If I log into a Docker container and make changes, will those changes persist?
A. Any changes will persist between “docker stop” and “docker start” commands, but they will not persist after a “docker run” command. Start and stop operations are safe. But Run operations create a new container with a new ID leaving all previous/other containers untouched.

Q. Does “docker run” destroy previously started containers originating form the same image?
A. No, running “docker run” creates a new and unique container with a unique ID.

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