This article discusses and demonstrates the design and implementation of Moodle using Docker with the option for later deployments with Kubernetes. We’re using Ubuntu 24.04 but this should work fine on similar versions of Ubuntu as well. The key points are: Moodle is deployed via a Docker container. Moodle references
Read moreWe’re Canonical/Ubuntu Partners. We’ve worked extensively with Ubuntu for many years. We’ve shared some of the interesting things we’ve done with Ubuntu here.
Apache Example Configuration for GeoIP Fencing, SSL/TLS Termination, and Reverse Proxy
This article shows an example configuration that will achieve three objectives: Provide GeoIP Fending, Provide SSL/TLS Termination, and server as a Reverse Proxy. In this example we’re using Ubuntu 22.04. Connections coming in on HTTP (port 80) are redirected to HTTPS (port 443) which is where the GeoIP Fencing takes
Read moreNXLog Example Configuration File – Sending Logs From Windows to Syslog in JSON Format
This article explains how to send logs from Windows systems to Syslog servers using NXLog (community edition). In this case we’re sending to Syslog listening on TCP. NXLog is easy enough to install but the configuration process is not so easy. Because Windows EventLog uses many more fields than Syslog,
Read moreComparing Syslog Formats – BSD RFC3164 vs IETF RFC5424
This article compares the two Syslog formats. If you can’t decide, consider “IETF RFC 5424”. This article compares two log entries using different Syslog formats. The event is the same for both entries – logging into a Synology server’s web portal. The user “agix” is logging in from host “”.
Read moreRunning LogStash in Docker
This is a short HowTo for running LogStash in Docker. We’re using Ubuntu 22.04. Install Docker and create our directory structure: apt install docker mkdir ~/logstash mkdir ~/logstash/config/ ~/logstash/pipeline/ Create the Dockerfile file “~/Dockerfile”: # The image to use: FROM # Remove the pre-existing config file from within
Read moreInstalling Graylog Open on Ubuntu 22.04
This article is a walkthrough for installing “Graylog Open 6” and leverages the documentation at “” and “”. We’re using Ubuntu 22.04 because 24.04 is not supported using the documentation linked above. We’re starting from a fresh “standard” Ubuntu 22.04 installation. Our resources are “4GB RAM, 8 CPU Cores, 25GB
Read moreInstalling & Configuring Zabbix Agent2 on Ubuntu
This article demonstrates how to install and configure the Zabbix Agent2. Our Zabbix server is already up and running, but the host (that we’re about to add) isn’t listed in Zabbix yet. On the Zabbix server: Log into the Zabbix web portal => Data collection => Hosts => Create host
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Building a Minimal Web Proxy & WPAD
This article demonstrates how to install and configure a Squid proxy along with a WPAD to assist with client configuration. Paths to configuration files may vary between system types. Both http and https will work through this proxy. We’re going to install the Squid proxy and Apache web server on
Read moreWhitelisting Directories with Apache
This article demonstrates how to allow access to specific directories while denying access to all other directories. We’re using Ubuntu 22.04 and Apache 2.4.58. We’ve got two directories that we want to explicitly allow access to: “east” and “west”. All other directories (existing or not) are denied with a “403”
Read moreExpand a LUKS Encrypted Volume
This article demonstrates how to extent a LUKS encrypted volume. We’re using Ubuntu 22.04 and the volume is non-root. Although you could probably do the same on the root volume (partition). This is risky and you should not do this without a backup and understanding the likelihood of failure. This
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