Browse our Apple MacOS articles for those strange issues that aren’t answered elsewhere.
This article shows how to configure pfSense to allow MacOS devices to connect using IPSec (IKEv1). Unfortunately I could not get IKEv2 to work. In this article, we’ll be using a RADIUS server (for authentication). The creation of the RADIUS server is not included in this HowTo but the pfSense
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Keeping your Mac up to date is no less important than any other system. Despite popular belief, MacOS should be considered just as susceptible to malware as any other operating system. One might argue that MacOS is based on BSD/Linux and therefore inherently more secure but just because one operating
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This article explains how to resize images on Linux and OSX. The link below is a great article for resizing many images/photos in one go. I’d argue it’s simpler on a Linux system but i digress. On a Linux system you can use the “convert” command which is part
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Actually there are several to choose from. We’ll go with “Sequel” for this tutorial. Download it from here: The Sequel is a GUI based tool but still allows you to run queries, browse data, etc.
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The new well sort of new (The light bulb has only just come on for some users) Mac.BackDoor.iWorm backdoor appears to be causing some concern just lately, I have added a brief description of how it works below but if you want to know more I have linked some good
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This one is so easy however it is not one that is mentioned very often, sometimes you will need to see how a Mac performs under load, perhaps because it is crashing or overheating any reason you can think of really. Well your OSx install comes with all the CPU
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Using a Mac it is simply easier to navigate around using the command line, however what happens when you get to the file that you want and then want to open it in your favourite GUI application. well that is when you use the “Open” Command, which really is a
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So this one is more of a hardware issue than anything else however it is a common MacBook Pro problem so I thought I had better share it with you. Now I clean my MacBook regularly with Antibacterial wipes simply because I take it all over the place work, train,
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Do you find that your Mac will go to sleep on you when you are working on something and you have just stopped for a second to think? If so you need Caffeine… not the drink the App On the Apple App store you will find the wonderful App that
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If you need a way to connect to your home Windows File Server from your Mac without dropping to the command line all the time then the following will be for you. Open Terminal and run the following cd ~/ mkdir Stacks cd Stacks mkdir Server_Connect cat > connect.txt mkdir
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