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NXLog Example Configuration File – Sending Logs From Windows to Syslog in JSON Format

This article explains how to send logs from Windows systems to Syslog servers using NXLog (community edition). In this case we’re sending to Syslog listening on TCP. NXLog is easy enough to install but the configuration process is not so easy. Because Windows EventLog uses many more fields than Syslog,

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All HowTo's Linux Redhat, Fedora and CentOS Linux Synology Ubuntu, Mint & Debian Linux

Comparing Syslog Formats – BSD RFC3164 vs IETF RFC5424

This article compares the two Syslog formats. If you can’t decide, consider “IETF RFC 5424”. This article compares two log entries using different Syslog formats. The event is the same for both entries – logging into a Synology server’s web portal. The user “agix” is logging in from host “”.

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All HowTo's Kubernetes & Docker Linux Redhat, Fedora and CentOS Linux Ubuntu, Mint & Debian Linux

Running LogStash in Docker

This is a short HowTo for running LogStash in Docker. We’re using Ubuntu 22.04. Install Docker and create our directory structure: apt install docker mkdir ~/logstash mkdir ~/logstash/config/ ~/logstash/pipeline/ Create the Dockerfile file “~/Dockerfile”: # The image to use: FROM # Remove the pre-existing config file from within

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All HowTo's Ansible & Terraform Automation Linux Redhat, Fedora and CentOS Linux Ubuntu, Mint & Debian Linux

Terraform – Getting Started – The Important Details You Need To Know

This article guides you through the process of installing Terraform, and running Terraform on your AWS environment for the first time. There’s plenty you need to know to prevent destroying your (or someone else’s) network and resources. I’ve added those issues and solutions to the bottom of this article. Install

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All HowTo's Ansible & Terraform Automation Linux Redhat, Fedora and CentOS Linux Ubuntu, Mint & Debian Linux

Installing Redhat Ansible Automation Platform

This article holds my notes from when I recently tested the Redhat Ansible Automation Platform. I’ve included answers to the questions I had at the start and during my effort to install the system. You need to install this on a Redhat Enterprise Linux v8.4 server, or newer. You don’t

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