This article is not about installing or designing a virtual environment but simply about listing, starting and stopping virtual guests with the VirtualBox environment.
First you need to log into the host server and change to the “vboxadmin” user:
su - vboxadmin
Run the history command to see what others/you have previously run:
List the running VM’s:
VBoxManage list runningvms
List all VM’s running or stopped:
VBoxManage list vms
To start a VM you first get it’s name from the listing commands above and then issue the following. In this example the VM name is “server1”:
VBoxManage startvm server1 --type headless
To stop the “server1” VM:
VBoxManage controlvm server1 poweroff
The above command’s “poweroff” option can be replaced with any of the following:
pause, resume, reset ,poweroff, savestate