This article demonstrates how to create an Ansible PlayBook that will add users to multiple Linux systems and add their public SSH key allowing them to login securely.
Install Ansible on the host that you’ll use to target each of the Linux host you want the new users on.
sudo yum install ansible
Generate or obtain the public SSH key(s) that you’ll be deploying to the remote Linux host. In my case i will generate the keys myself but you may obtain them (ideally you would) from the users themselves.
mkdir -p ~/ansible/files ssh-keygen -t rsa -f ~/ansible/files/authorized_keys.myuser
Use the following PlayBook file as an example (the user i’m creating on the remote Linux host is “myuser”). The file for the below should be “~/ansible/playbook.yml”.
--- - hosts: all sudo: yes tasks: - user: name=myuser comment="My User" group=wheel - name: Placing key authorized_key: user=myuser key="{{ lookup('file', './files/') }}"
Specify which hosts this user will be created on by creating the “~/ansible/hosts” file with the list of hosts:
host1.example.local host2.example.local host3.example.local host4.example.local
Now you can run the Playbook as follows:
cd ~ansible ansible-playbook playbook.yml -i ./hosts
If you’re key isn’t working or you don’t have on the remote server, try adding the “–ask-pass” to the end of the above command.
Could you please let me know what is missing in my code?
Requirement: Need to add multiple users and their associated keys in different files on destination servers.
– hosts: lb:app2
– name: Add list of users
# tags: system-user
name: “{{ }}”
uid: “{{ item.uid }}”
groups: “{{ item.groups }}”
comment: “{{ item.comment }}”
password: ” {{ item.password }}”
createhome: yes
state: present
– { name: testuser1, uid: 1002, groups: “wheel, automate”, comment: “{{ ‘Test Admin ID’ }}”, password: “{{ ‘$6$wsix5/A0$Qs46riLAIqJfolLAzqrMc8ZVVN8tBSZWaoDKco9gnqQJJqvf1hA3K9HHM8HtJXzcpA/ZnvagCPmiXsxl4ifzn.’ }}” }
– { name: testuser2, uid: 1003, groups: “automate”, comment: “{{ ‘Test2 Admin ID’ }}”, password: “{{ ‘$6$gs3s6NUC$EwG7Lys4yxSLW8d1bceC1y4JH/ag0wmJt/AKnMg2DNHTy/HMfMYJV06SUyD89ZNioh2IfVmC14bbqFWWpfC9E/’ }}” }
– name: Add .ssh directories
name: “{{ }}”
path: “/home/{{}}/.ssh”
state: directory
mode: 0700
owner: “{{ }}”
group: “{{|default( }}”
– { name: testuser1, path: “{{ }}” }
It does create a user but doesn’t create .ssh directory & I’m unable to push authorized_keys & authorize_keys2 files to different locations.
ERROR! ‘sudo’ is not a valid attribute for a Play
The offending line appears to be:
– hosts: all
^ here
become: true