This article continues from Part 2 – Replica Sets and Scaling.
Our objective in this article is to get an application exposed to the wider network on an IP address of the host and a port of our choice. The IP address will be “” and our port of choice will be “30036”.
We’re going to expose a dotNet application which, according to its documentation, listens on port “8080”.
Put the following content into a new file called “dotnet-rs.yaml”:
apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: ReplicaSet metadata: name: dotnet-hello-rs # This is what our Service will point to. spec: replicas: 5 # This is the number of instances we want for this app. selector: matchLabels: app: dotnet-hello-rs template: metadata: labels: app: dotnet-hello-rs spec: containers: - name: dotnet-hello-rs image: appsvctest/dotnetcore # This is our image to execute. ports: - containerPort: 8080 # Doco for this image says it's listening on this port.
Put the following content into a new file called “dotnet-service.yaml”:
apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: dotnet-hello-service spec: selector: app: dotnet-hello-service type: NodePort ports: - name: http protocol: TCP nodePort: 30036 # The port our networked devices will look on for the application. port: 9090 targetPort: 8080 # The port of the target ReplicaSet. selector: app: dotnet-hello-rs # This is the name or the target ReplicaSet.
Now start the ReplicaSet and Service objects.
sudo microk8s kubectl apply -f dotnet-rs.yaml sudo microk8s kubectl apply -f dotnet-service.yaml
Validate our ReplicaSet:
sudo microk8s kubectl get rs -o wide NAME DESIRED CURRENT READY AGE CONTAINERS IMAGES SELECTOR dotnet-hello-rs 5 5 5 15m dotnet-hello-rs appsvctest/dotnetcore app=dotnet-hello-rs
Validate our Service:
sudo microk8s kubectl get service -o wide NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE SELECTOR kubernetes ClusterIP 32h dotnet-hello-service NodePort 9090:30036/TCP 11m app=dotnet-hello-rs
Ensure your firewall allows port “30036” through.
sudo ufw allow 30036
From the Kubernetes host, test that you can get to the Pod:
curl -v
Now test from a networked machine (some other machine on your LAN):
curl -v
You should get the output of the dotNet application.