Just recently I have come up against the need to see if a particular user is granting them self the Full Access permission on other users mailboxes. This user might be a new hired administrator or perhaps one that is leaving or even just a compromised account, regardless this is the best way that I have found to do it as Exchange is lacking a some auditing features in my opinion we will have to do this a bit long winded. For this example I am using exchange 2010 and Server 2008 R2.
DOMAINUSER, InheritanceType=All, AccessRights={FullAccess}}.
Cmdlet succeeded. Cmdlet Add-MailboxPermission, parameters {Identity=domain.name/OU/OU/MAILBOX, User=DOMAINUSER, AccessRights={FullAccess}}.
USER = The user that added the permission.
MAILBOX = The mailbox that had the permission added to it.
Hope this helps