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Easily Install & Configure GlusterFS on Redhat & CentOS

This article demonstrates how to install GlusterFS on a CentOS and Redhat server. I’ve skipped some things such as SELinux, IPtables, fstab mount points, etc. This is a tutorial of the basics. You will have a GlusterFS up in no time but you should spend time to harden it.

Run these commands on both/all of your Gluster hosts. We’re configuring these from scratch so any existing settings may be lost.

rpm  -ivh
wget -P /etc/yum.repos.d
yum -y install glusterfs glusterfs-fuse glusterfs-server
systemctl start glusterd.service

We need to deal with the firewalls before we continue. Either stop firewalld with “systemctl stop firewalls” or allow the machines to communicate with each other by IP.

Now we need to run the following on the primary (first) Gluster server:

# where is the IP address of the second server.
gluster peer probe

Doing the same on the second server should result in the following:

# where is the IP address of the first server.
gluster peer probe
...already in peer list

Now we need to add some storage (called a brick). We’re going to us a dummy filesystem but you’ll obviously use something more appropriate – this is just a tutorial.

Do this on both servers:

# 50MB filesystem/file
dd if=/dev/zero of=/brick count=50000 bs=1024
mkdir.xfs /brick
mkdir /mnt/brick
mount /brick /mnt/brick
mkdir /mnt/brick/export

In the above we created a filesystem, formatted it, mounted it and created a directory within that filesystem. The directory we created “/mnt/brick/export” is important because we can’t use the root of a filesystem.

Now we tell Gluster about the local and remote bricks.

On the primary server:

gluster volume create gvol0 replica 2

In the above we created a volume called “gvol0” but you could call it anything. Next we chose to use a Replica volume (it replicates the data) and we want it to be replicated at least to 2 locations (we only have two in this case). And then we specify the servers on which the bricks exist.

By thew way, a volume is made up of multiple bricks.

Run this to see the current status:

gluster volume info
gluster volume status
gluster volume start gvol0

We’re now ready to mount the GlusterFS from another server/workstation:

mount -t glusterfs /mnt/gluster

You can see what’s happening by viewing the files on both servers in their “/mnt/brick/export” directories.

If you have trouble and need to restart, remember to do this or you will get errors saying “…is already part of a volume”.

systemctl stop glusterd
setfattr -x trusted.glusterfs.volume-id /mnt/brick/export/
setfattr -x trusted.gfid /mnt/brick/export/
rm -rf /mnt/brick/export/.glusterfs
systemctl start glusterd

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