Browse our Cybersecurity technical articles here. We’re sharing our knowledge with fellow cybersecurity practitioners in the hope that we can all progress further and faster in protecting our information systems.

AGIX Discussion Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity Staff Training Session – Part 2

Welcome to the second part of the AGIX Cybersecurity training course. This course is focused on staff related matters. Organisationsare under constant attack. Some attacks are “testing the water” while others are organized, local and effective. Organisations are constantly defending against cyber-threats. Targets All organisations are targets: Online businesses. Physical

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All HowTo's Cybersecurity Linux Redhat, Fedora and CentOS Linux Ubuntu, Mint & Debian Linux

Creating your own Password list

If you want to create a customised password list for a specific target (client, I hope), this article is for you. It’s basically just a re-write of “” which I’ll probably forget later so I’m documenting here. We don’t just want a list of passwords, we want a list of

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All HowTo's Cybersecurity Linux Redhat, Fedora and CentOS Linux Ubuntu, Mint & Debian Linux Windows

Mount SysInternals over HTTP on Linux

This article demonstrates how to mount “” on Linux so that it’s accessible at “/mnt/sysinternals”, for example. On CentOS: yum install davfs2 On Ubuntu: apt install davfs2 Mount it: mount -t davfs /mnt/sysinternals Now you can access it at: # ls /mnt/sysinternals/ accesschk64.exe diskext.exe pipelist.exe RegDelNull.exe accesschk.exe Diskmon.exe PORTMON.CNT

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All HowTo's Cybersecurity Linux Redhat, Fedora and CentOS Linux Ubuntu, Mint & Debian Linux

Pen Testing Tools – Stuff we all need

This article is mostly a cheat sheet for things pen-testers need. Obviously there’s a little picking and choosing depending on the need. Nmap: Ubuntu: apt install nmap CentOS: yum install nmap Nikto: Ubuntu: apt install nikto CentOS: yum install nikto Mimikatz: Hydra: Ubuntu: apt install hydra Cewl: Ubuntu: apt

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All HowTo's Cybersecurity Linux PostgreSQL Redhat, Fedora and CentOS Linux Ubuntu, Mint & Debian Linux Web Servers

Configure Metasploit with NMap and the Database – Advanced

This article walks you through the process of installing, configuring and running scans using Metasploit and Nmap. Both CentOS 7 and Ubuntu 20.04 are discussed. Our objective is to be able to run nmap scans and have the results go into a database so we can filter the results later

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