All HowTo's

Sudo is Mean

If you are tired of the normal error messages that come from typing your password wrong when you sudo then why not have it insult you instead, great idea. echo “Defaults insults” >> /etc/sudoers Why, Because why not?

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All HowTo's Virtualization

Extend a KVM Disk

A simple one liner to extend the disk of a virtual machine running in KVM. qemu-img resize vmdisk.img +10G The disk will be extended by 10GB, it may take a reboot of the guest machine to pickup the change and you will also need to extend your partitions inside of

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No Space on RAM Disk

Ran into an issue lately with a VMware cluster that would not play nice when scanned with the update manager in Vcenter. The error that it was returning was something along the lines of “Not enough space on RAM disk”. Turns out someone had configured the logging incorrectly and the

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Error Adding Storage to ESX Host

If you have spent any time configuring VMware ESX you would probably have encountered the dreaded “Hard Disk is Blank” error when trying to add storage to your host. This error is more likely to occur when you are reusing a hard disk or if you are writing over existing

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