You can specify which private key to use when issuing the Linux “ssh” command. This allows you to use one of many different private keys depending on which server(s) you’re connecting to. ssh -l agix example1.agix.local -i id_rsa.exmaple1 -v The above assumes that you have a private key in the
Read moreConfigure SNMP on CentOS for use with Nagios (monitor disk space)
This article explains how to configure SNMP for use with Nagios on a CentOS server. It’s assumed you already have Nagios installed but not necessarily configure to use SNMP to monitor a host. We use “Disk Space” monitoring in this article. For this article, i’ve used the following versions: 1.
Read moreInterpreting ADSL SNR and Attenuation Figures
This article outlines what you can expect from SNR and Attenuation figures from ADSL modems. The tables below should be used to assist you in troubleshooting ADSL quality issues – even service drop-outs. Attenuation is the loss of signal in a return trip between your ADSL modem and the exchange.
Read moreStreaming Internet Music for Asterisk 10 “Music On Hold”
This article explains how to add Music On Hold (or MOH) for Asterisk 10. The music will be streaming from the Internet – in this case, the “ABC News Radio” channel/station. Note that the download of Internet radio data starts when someone goes on hold. And stops when they go
Read moreMySQL Database Replication Example
This article explains how to install MySQL 5.1 on Redhat/CentOS and configure replication to a slave MySQL server. In this article, the master host has the IP address “” and the slave has IP address “”. Remember to restart the MySQL server if and when you make changes to the
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